
Smart Clipboard


Most of us have probably run into and been frustrated by the shortcomings of a normal clipboard. For example,
Not being able to store more than one copied content at a time
Not being able to retrieve previously copied content
Not having the ability to preview copied content

Suppose you are writing an email and are copying and pasting a number of content from different websites. You copied some content from website A but forgot to paste it in your email. You closed out the website and then opened website B. Only after you copied some text from this new page, you realize that you hadn’t pasted that previous content from website A. Now what would you do?
1. Find website A
– look through your browser history?
– google again?
2. Open website A
– wait for the website to load
3. Scroll to find that specific content
4. Copy the text again
5. Paste it in your email

Smart Clipboard saves you all these pains. All you need to do is:
1. Open Smart Clipboard to easily preview all the content that you have copied
2. Select that previous content you copied from website A
3. Paste it in your email

Smart Clipboard is a ‘store and search’ extension tool that stores multiple contents you copied from web and then allows you to preview, copy or run a search on those saved texts.

Works with any http:// or https:// sites except Chrome extension gallery pages.

1. User friendly notification whenever a content is copied from website
2. Preview all copied contents (clips)
3. Pagination control if you are storing more clips
4. Delete clips you no longer need
5. Filter and search on clips
6. Clean Format – Copy without formatting

Smart Clipboard
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