Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

ACES: The Extension

A tool for us who can’t focus as well. Try it to find out how it does it!

It is used to alert you whenever you are getting distracted by detecting what tab you are on and whether that is chosen as a work tab or not, during a focus session.

The user journey begins when you clicks on the extension and are presented with a list of all tabs currently active on his browser window. Next, you have got to choose the tabs they will be using in your work session and click on the “Start Work” button.

After this app begins procturing the user’s browser and detecting whenever he switched tabs. If the tab they switch to has not been chosen as a “Work tab”, the extension will create an alert asking the user to get back to their work/focus.

When they are done working, they can simply click on complete work and are greeted with a ‘congratulations on completing your task’ message.

In the coming updates we will gamifying this, so you can score points for staying focused on your work tabs. We will also be bringing in user profiles and let you compete with your friends to see who is more focused!