Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

AnyPicker – Visual Web Scraper

AnyPicker is a visual web scraper. Setting the web extraction rules super easily, just click what you see on website.

Privacy Policy:

# Quick Overview:

* Visualized web data extraction.
* Data privacy.
* Protect your website account.
* No need to worry about anti web-scrapping strategy.

# Change logs:

* 1.12.0 [New Feature] Provided Microsoft account sign in.
* 1.11.0 [New Feature] Download images.
* 1.10.0 [New Feature] Support .xlsx (Microsoft excel) and .tsv (Tab-seperated values) output formats.
* 1.9.6 [BugFix] Fixed bug of downloading CSV file.
* 1.9.5 [BugFix] Resolved issues caused by the line breaks inside scrapped content.
* 1.9.4 [BugFix] Resolved the issue of selecting navigation button.
* 1.9.3 [Enhancement] Added “Fuzzy Search” to CSV uploading mode.
* 1.9.2 [BugFix] Resolved the issue that it gets wrong source url in navigation info.
* 1.9.1 [Enhancement] Optimized the icon and font files.
* 1.9.0 [New Feature] Implemented customizing extract rule xpath.
* 1.8.0 [New Feature] Now it supports infinite scrolling in a SPECIFIED AREA.
* 1.7.3 [Enhancement] Upgrade the algorithm of ‘Select Multi Rows’.
* 1.7.2 [Enhancement] Upgrade class name validator to v2.
* 1.7.1 [BugFix] Fixed bug of links list recognition on Single Page App.
* 1.7.0 [New Feature] Share recipes & Import/Export recipes.
* 1.6.4 [BugFix] Fixed bug of calculate common container Xpath by AI.
* 1.6.3 [BugFix & Enhancement] Fixed bug of scraping the page that not defined nav info and source list, and changed max saved rules to 10.
* 1.6.2 [Enhancement] Added correct Xpath strategy for dynamic class name of multi rows.
* 1.6.1 [BugFix] Solved the problem that the class name contains invalid charactors.
* 1.6.0 [New Feature] Support scraping “Infinite Scrolling”.
* 1.5.7 [Enhancement] support collecting content along with pagination, makes the scraping more efficient.
* 1.5.6 [Enhancement] added support of the browsers based on the Chromium web browser, like Brave, Microsoft Edge, etc.
* 1.5.5 [New Feature] added preview data downloading.
* 1.5.4 Enhanced the “multiple select” strategy.
* 1.5.3 Enhanced the “select multiple rows” in one page.
* 1.5.2 Fixed bug of resizing window and unrecognized CSV file in Windows.
* 1.5.1 Resolved the problem of incompatible with some others extensions and low level Chrome browsers.
* 1.5.0 New feature, added select multiple rows of data.
* 1.4.1 Fixed bug of “Fuzzy Search”, and enhancement of “Scanning Links Process”.
* 1.4.0 New Feature, support choosing links list from an uploaded CSV file.
* 1.3.4 Fixed bug of download file format error in Windows environment.
* 1.3.3 Support fetching page list in a single page.
* 1.3.2 Added fetching links config, and fixed some bugs.
* 1.3.1 bug fixes and improvements.
* 1.3.0 Changed premium access only affect some specified features, the basic scraping use is free now.
* 1.2.1 Added Feature “Save Recipe”, saved the extraction rules mask for later use.
* 1.1.2 Added auto download feature, and fixed bug of “define nav” for some particular html elements.
* 1.1.1 Added contact us link, and fixed bug of sign in.
* 1.1.0 Rebuild UI and makes it more easy to on board. and added some features, eg: logout, user profile, tutorials and etc.
* 1.0.8 Temporary removed google sheets integration, waiting for google sheets api verification.
* 1.0.7 fixed bug of permissions deny.

# What AnyPicker provides:

* Setting Extraction Rules Visualized

Setting Extract rules super easily, just click what you see on website. And there is no need to download any other softwares, it is just a chrome extension.

* Data Privacy

All data is processed in your local computer, it is never passing through AnyPicker’s web server, no one knows what you scrapped.

* Protect Your Website Account

Sometimes you may need to login your account before scrapping some websites, AnyPicker does not need your password. All you just need is login your account in chrome web browser.

* No Usage Limitation

No limitation about how many pages or sites you have scrapped. and it is no limitation about how many pages are scrapped during the same time.

* Scrapping Multi Pages At Same Time

AnyPicker could scrap multi pages during the same time, and it could be set by yourself how many parallel scrapers running at the same time.

* Passing Through Anti Crawel Strategy

AnyPicker is no need to simulate as a real user, it is a real user. So it is easy to pass through the anti-crawel strategy.

* Preview Scrapping Result In Realtime

You don’t need to wait for all tasks ended to see the scrapping result, AnyPicker shows the result in real-time during the task running.

* Generate CSV Format Data

You could generate csv format data and download it from AnyPicker extension, it will generated in your local computer, and it is not in AnyPicker’s server.