Certainly in everyday life, you come across such a situation, what you needed to perform some mathematical operations to produce a financial settlement, for example, when calculating the profitability of bank deposit or how suitable mortgage for the conditions at hand and at that time was not an ordinary electronic calculator or special programs? In such a case, you will be indispensable this convenient and easy-to-use Online Calculator Button.
Stay with us and we can help!
this calculator does not even have divide and multiply it works and its accurate but ya its not super complete. 😑
Добавьте возможность ввода с клавиатуры.
tot , cam on nhieu !
Opens instantly unlike others I’ve tried. Looks neat.
Добавьте возможность вычисления десятичных дробей, то есть добавьте точку или запятую.
Love it. Very clean and simple but there are a couple of issues. There is no decimal and you cannot open the extension, let it go and type on the keyboard.
There are a lot of calculator extensions out there for Chrome. After trying about 20 different ones I didn’t like, I finally came across this one.
This is exactly what I was looking for – a nice, simple calculator for Chrome. I HIGHLY recommend.
Fantastic, this is exactly what I was looking for. Maybe provide different colors?
Very simple and useful.
добавьте возможность вычисления дробных чисел.
То что надо!Ничего лишнего! СПАСИБО!!!
Thanks for a good extension!!!
It is a very handy tool, but the button is disappearing without warning and does not appear even with re-enable action.