Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

copy 2 clipboard with ease

A simple and quick way to copy title and url with ease in chrome browser.

* default has 8 copy pattern
* `title`
* `[title](url)`
* `title – url`
* `url`
* `surl`
* `title – surl`
* `[title](surl)`
* `=HYPERLINK(“url”,”title”)`
* create custom pattern with `url`, `surl` & `title` (multiple) keyword to create arbitrarily pattern
* enable/disable copy pattern you want
* contextMenu support

Change log
2.0.0 / 2018-08-29

* totally rewrite with react, redux & material UI
* 8 default copy pattern
* enable/disable copy pattern
* create custom copy pattern you want
* contextMenu support page/link source

1.0.3 / 2016-11-06

* modify permissions

1.0.2 / 2015-11-23

* fix shorten API error.

1.0.1 / 2015-04-05

* pattern input problem and other bug fixed.

1.0.0 / 2015-04-03

* add options settings sync via Google account between different chrome browser. Change UI themes from Bootstrap to semantic-ui. minors bug fixed.


* add copy link with name feature.

* chrome shortcut support. Default extension is “Shift+Alt+C”. You can setup shortcut you want to enable fast copy one option of 5.
