Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Emoji Magic

Emoji Magic makes it easy to find emoji and copy them to your clipboard.

1. Click the extension icon: ``
2. Type in what you want, like “cat”
3. Hit “enter” or click on the exact emoji you want


Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+O (or customize with “chrome://extensions/shortcuts”)

1. Actual unicode chars — no images, native emoji rendering
2. Rich Text Matching — Uses a thesaurus to support broad keyword matching.
3. Multi-word queries — try “sad cat”, or “blue heart”
4. Remembers locally — Saves the last emoji you picked so you can pick them again easily
5. Strong security — Doesn’t ask for dangerous Chrome permissions, just clipboard access

This app doesn’t require permissions to “read and change data on all the sites you visit”. Instead, it only asks for clipboard access.


1.0.11: Big change to filtering logic. You should now see much broader results with better sorting (try: “red car”, “blue diamond”). It now accounts for both keyword and thesaurus matches, but ranks the results: keywords are a better match than thesaurus terms, and the more the search term overlaps, the stronger the match is.