GitHub Beautifier is a Chrome extension to improve the GitHub UI experience updated on Jun 23, 2020. It doesn’t just bring the old styles back. Instead, GitHub Beautifier injects CSS to Github pages to override only some styles, w/o any calculation after DOM rendered.
1. Fix styles of repo clone view
1. Fix styles especially of orgs and lists
1. Fixes the style of navbar to make it compatible with the latest GitHub update.
1. Rename the extension. The new name presents what the it’s done exactly.
2. Fixes the style of navbar alignment.
1. Fixes the style of PR timeline.
The extension improves the GitHub experience in the following ways,
1. Decreases the border-radius of buttons and labels but keeps most indicators in circles,
2. Aligns the repo navigation bar to its contents.
The version of the extension will be the date of GitHub upgrading. So, the first version is 2020.6.23. I will update the extension once it isn’t compatible with the future version of GitHub.
The extension is open-source. You can fork the repo and build styles you favored.