Developer Tools

HTTP Headers


Quickly view and inspect all the HTTP response headers and status code of the current page.

Uses chrome’s webRequest to access the headers of the original request, no additional requests are made.
A minimal & lightweight extension, crucial for anyone developing for the web.

★ See the status code instantly displayed on a badge
★ Detect and follow redirect paths, displaying all the headers for each one
★ Inspect cookies set by remote site
★ Access info about the machine serving the content
★ Check HTTP verbs and response codes
★ Quickly check if you are seeing cached content

Please don’t forget to rate this extension, and submit feature requests that you think will help you and others!

Release notes for v1.1.3:
— HTML escape bugfix (sorry! 😅)
— Visual fixes and tweaks

— Analytics

Release History:

— Dark mode friendly icon 😎
— Popup is now smoother than butter, and 100ms faster too
— Different color for redirect and error status codes
— Localization! Support for english, spanish, portuguese and french
— Legibility tweaks
— Proper build pipeline, so I can roll out frequent updates & new features 💪

— Minor CSS tweaks, and char replacements

— Minor bugfix

— Major refactor in the code, now runs extremely fast and has new features
— Displays all redirects and their status codes
— Badge with the status code if different than a 200 OK

HTTP Headers
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