Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Iridium for YouTube

Iridium provides extra functionalities while watching YouTube

!!! WARNING !!!
This extension is only compatible with the new YouTube Material layout which can be enabled here:
This extension was not developed to work with the classic YouTube layout, please change your YouTube layout to the new one via the link provided above!
!!! WARNING !!!

Features highlight:
– Play your videos in a pop-out window
– Turn off 60fps
– Allow ads only in videos from your subscribed channels
– Blacklist entire channels from your suggestions and search results
– Make the player fill the entire browser with the Fullbrowser mode feature
– Player always visible where you want while reading the comments
– Reverse any playlist
– Take video screenshots and save them
– View and save the video thumbnail like old times
– Bring back the total number of videos uploaded by the creator
– Use the relative video post time to know quickly how old the video is
– Control comment section visibility
– and many more!

Check the full list of features here:

Do not use the review section for bug support, use the issue tracker instead:

Visit the release tracker for the changelogs: