Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

JIRA Ticket Browser

JIRA is a popular agile tool. Every JIRA user story/ticket has its unique number. Each time we need to visit these user stories/tickets, we have to type the entire url even though we need to remember only the ticket number. Softcrylic Labs sensed it non productive and have developed this extension. Here there are two text boxes

1) The url => paste your static url here. Can be anything. (eg:, JIRA url till the ‘browse’ part in each ticket). Remember the final ‘/’ here as it is necessary. You have to enter once. The system remembers from the next time. You can alter the value if you want too.

2) Ticket Number => add the ticket number here. Say for eg (gw-2878).

Press the ENTER button after typing/pasting the ticket number or press the rocket launcher (button) after filling your ticket number.

Developed by

Krishnanand Sivaraj