Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions


-Single click stat column sorting, descending by default.
-MadStats menu icon in center to quickly access options.
-Creates a button bar on Weapon stats page to filter by weapon type and clan/is.
-Creates a button bar on Mech stats page to filter by weight class, ownership, and clan/is.
-Custom mech names displayed when mouse hovers over the first column
-Hides mechs that would display as duplicates by default, shown again via option button.
-Adds a sticky table header to maintain readability when scrolling through large tables.
-Hero mechs renamed for grouping with chassis and preserving sortability; Hero name displayed on hover.
-Fully zoomable. Try holding the Ctrl key and pressing + a few times for an easier time reading the table.
-Sortable Time columns, hover for original time value display.
-Automatically updates owned mech list on profile page or mech stats page
-Table styles using tablesorter’s built in theme: Black Ice.

Change Log: 4/20/18
-Updated Data for new mechs. (Through Hellfire)

Debug Mode:
When enabled, debug mode will enable features hidden from the default view. They are usually only here because there are still issues to be worked out. This is not a perfect solution, but it allows me to easily control the default experience while still allowing for the functionality to be used and tested. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

-Due to the instability of the column filters and download button, they currently require a user to enable debug mode via the options panel.
-The profile page has some display modifications that removes the scrolling box in favor of all mechs in a grid with transparent background.

More info can be found in the FAQ.( )