Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions


Simply select the text on the page, the converted is shown nearby! Nothing is simpler than this ever!

Convertions between:

1) Currencies: US dollar, pound, euro, Hongkong dollar, Japanese yen, Singapore dollar, Swedish/Denmark/Norway Krona, Canadian dollar, Australian dollar, Macao pataca, Philippine peso, Thai baht, New Zealand dollar, South Korean won, ruble, Chinese Yuan(RMB).

2) Length/Area units: mile/inch/foot/yard and km/m/dm/cm/mm/mcm,

3) Temperature: Fahrenheit and Celsius,

4) Weights: oz/pound and ton/kg/g/mg/mcg

5) Volumes: (US/Imperial) gallon/quard/pint/cup/oz/tablespoon/teaspoon and m³/L/mL

6) Car related: MPG and L/100km, MPH and kmph

7) Fraction recognized, e.g. 1 3/8″.

8) Date/time to local time.