-Manupatra Alert service is a complimentary service from Manupatra designed to help you stay connected with snapshots of legal events on all working days.
-Manupatra Alert is a rich internet application that resides on your chrome browser and is managed by the server component of our platform.
Key features:
-No Registration required.
-This service is complimentary and takes only seconds to install.
-Manupatra will alert you on important caselaws, notifications, Statutes, news, etc., through crisp summaries.
-When you click on Read, you would be able to read the full article/update, etc.
-New Information flows on to your desktop so you don’t have to access different sites to keep yourself updated.
-Does not interfere with your work. Alert remains in your Browser.
Good App
very useful App, brilliant work
Very very useful for we like peoples of legal fraternity
Just what i was looking for.
upto date and relevant
Its best for all.
Ajit Pathak
very useful app..
Good App