Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Movies Search for Chrome

Start a brand new way of discovering digital content with the help of our AI algorithm. We know how to detect your search intent and provide you with the right app or tool to help you discover movies, TV shows, actors/actresses, and directors online.

Our AI algorithm follows your query that you type in the address bar. When it identifies a match, it automatically offers you a quick link to look for it on the most popular sites, such as Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, Reelgood, and JustWatch. The whole process takes place inside the autocomplete suggestions of your address bar.

How does it work?

1. Start typing the name of a film in the address bar.
2. Once our algorithm detects the film or TV show that is related to your query term, it will offer a quick link in the autocomplete suggestions.
3. Click on the quick link and find the content on your favorite movie site.

Permissions used and reasons:

1. Change your Search Settings – In order to activate the AI algorithm in the autocomplete suggestions, we require this permission to change your search settings to, powered by Yahoo. If you prefer to use another option, you can make the change inside the extension’s Settings on the app page. Currently, the extension supports Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

2. Access to “contextMenus” – We require this permission in order to access the extension’s drop-down menu and add relevant information items about our extension.

3. Access to “Notifications” – This permission is optional. We provide notifications to you in case you missed the quick link along with the autocomplete suggestions.

How to remove it from my Chrome?

You can remove the extension at any time, following these simple steps:

1. Open the Chrome menu and click on the Settings.
2. On the left side of the window pane, click on Extensions.
3. Choose the extension you want to remove from the list.
4. Click on the remove button.
5. On the pop-up window, click on the remove button again to confirm your action.

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More information of this extension can be found at:


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