Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Muslim Board

Muslim Board is a personal dashboard specifically for Muslims who understand Bahasa Indonesia. This plugin is inspired by Momentum.

To use this extension:
– simply create a new tab on the chrome browser, just that! then the newly created tab will show the extension content.

By adding this extension, you’ll get the benefits below:
– On the top left pane, the prayer schedule information by location is displayed automatically depending on which location the user currently active in.
– In the middle, there will be positive motivational quotes randomly displayed, and shuffled automatically every few seconds.
– On the right pane, there is a TODO list section. Users will be able to write or check certain items. It’s very useful for the user to track few things so the particular user will not forget them.
– Also on the bottom, the internet availability status is displayed.

Muslim Board adalah laman personal dashboard khusus untuk muslim yang berbahasa Indonesia. Plugin ini terinspirasi dari Momentum.

– Menampilkan informasi jadwal sholat sesuai lokasi (deteksi lokasi otomatis)
– Menampilkan informasi jadwal sholat sesuai pilihan lokasi
– Menampilkan quote2 bermanfaat
– Fasilitas untuk TODO list, bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mencatat sesuatu agar tidak
– Indikator penanda internet sedang offline/online