Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Poker Now Ledger

Displays a summary of all the activity of a PokerNow table. This information includes each user buyins and net score. Use this extension to seamlessly track a game. Works only with PokerNow tables. Allows you to save games locally and get aggregate information about players.

Adds a Ledger button the bottom-right corner of the Log page.

– Shows each users net score which includes total buy-in, buy-out and current stack
– Can generate a list of needed transactions to settle the game scores after it concludes
– Can adjust/update user net scores in case of any external transactions.
– Ability to take a snapshot of a game’s ledger and store it locally to see it later
– Displays aggregate information of a player (net profit, total buy in…)
– Will identify users who have changed their name but are playing on the same device
– Merges records of users if they play from different devices with same name (useful if a player changed devices during games)