
Reddit SWDestiny Hover Image


I maintain this as a free tool in my spare time because I want you to have it, and I want to learn things in the process. Downloading it and enjoying it is all the support I need, but if anyone is compelled to support beyond that, please feel free to donate here:

1.3 Added all cards for Empire at War and the Destiny Two Player Game!

1.2 Set 2: Spirit of Rebellion added! Also further adjusted the word-searching to check for an ‘e’ prefix before card names. This will highlight instances where users want to refer to elite characters. Currently works on all cards for the sake of simplicity (including non-characters), but I can consider re-visiting this if that becomes problematic.

1.1 Adjusted the word-search functionality to eliminate “false-positive” matches. Card names should no longer become links if they are part of a larger phrase. Many thanks to u/Joshfullmer!

1.0 Features all cards in Set 1: Awakenings.

Reddit SWDestiny Hover Image
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