Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Right-Click Search Wikipedia

This extension is super lightweight and simple to use following this three step process:

1) Highlight some text
2) Right-click
3) Select “Search Wikipedia…”

Opens the search in a new tab.

Auto-detects your browser language and uses the version of Wikipedia for your language!

** If you’re an existing user upgrading to 0.9, new permissions are required in order to enable the latest features. You may have to re-enable the extension **

New in version 0.9: by request, if you click on a hyperlink you will now see the option to search Wikipedia for the text of the hyperlink. This new menu item can be disabled via the options dialog. Additional permissions were required to implement this feature as it requires access to page content.
New in version 0.8: You can now optionally keep focus in your current tab rather than switching to the search tab immediately
New in version 0.7: You can set your search to always use the English-language version of Wikipedia no matter what language your browser uses.

How to set options: enter chrome://extensions to the omnibox and choose “Options” under the Right-Click Wikipedia entry

For issues, you can contact me at