Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

screenreader standalone

Seen a great tutorial or ebook online and want to dive in , but finding yourself unable to read after 5 mins? Having eyestrain problems ? I had the same problem and it really troubled me a lot. so i created this extension to read(actually hear) articles , tutorials etc online. Installing it does not add any extra interface whatsoever.

The operation is very simple. To read any text just select the text BEFORE it and press ,(comma) key. The text selection automatically jumps to the line and reads it out aloud. And similiarly keys are there for prev/next sentence, word and paragraph.

RECOMMENDED: Install the free high quality tts voice from google for better results from :
It also works offline

KEYMAP(also on welcome page and options page, after installing)
, key goes to next line and ‘reads it'(i.e upto next full stop)
‘m’ key goes to previous line and reads it.(i.e upto previous full stop)
‘ key to go upto next punctuation mark
; key to go upto previous punctuation mark
shift+i to invert colors
[ key to go to previous word
] key to go to next word
. key to jump back an entire paragraph
/ key to jump forward an entire paragraph .press enter key to stop speech if already speaking. pressing any other key will speak the currently selected text again

The important thing is that everything is done using single key presses so you can comfortably close your eyes and use one hand to operate it. All the required keys are very adjacent to each other.There is absolutely no additional interface added. you press a key and the text selection moves around and is read aloud. That is all. Also pressing ‘ key moves upto next punctuation mark . This is a very important feauture as most logical breaks are along punctuation marks.

Currently continious reading is not supported , i.e you need to press next/prev sentence/paragraph buttons etc everytime you need to go to a new sentence/paragraph etc and also keymap cannot be customised and additionally if offline , there are a few issues. Also with it does not work properly.
To disable/enable for any specific page just click the screenreader icon

This project is hosted on github at
For better offline reading experience (like reading ebooks in html or converted to html from pdf etc) you can try out a windows specfic version at
also one for mozilla firefox mobile android

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