Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Slack Desktop Notifications Visibility Helper

Slack Desktop Notifications (for Windows) are visible for only several seconds and after they get dismissed there is no visual indicator for unread messages.

This extension is intended ONLY for allowing configuration of visibility mode for Slack Desktop Notifications (in lack of a Slack-client for Windows).

Visibility options:
1. Use Sticky Notifications (Notification are visible until closed/read)
2. Use Default behavior (Notifications are automatically dismissed)

After installing the extension the 1st option will activate automatically, which will overwrite the default behavior.

This can be configured by going to Preferences, see screenshots (click on User -> Preferences -> Notifications -> Visibility options).


Slack released a Windows app making this extension almost obsolete.

However, for some reason, the Windows app Notifications don’t work properly MOST of the times so I still HAVE TO use this extension instead the official Windows app (Notifications simply do not get triggered and I keep missing important messages ALL THE TIME).

Also, official Windows app doesn’t have “sticky” Notifications.