Social & Communication

SuperCity Access


Tired of having to manually enable Flash Player every time after you close the browser or restart your device?

Now there’s a permanent solution to this trouble!

SuperCity Access is the official extension from Playkot that will put an end to the constant enable pop-ups from Flash Player. Install the extension,
give a one-time permission to use Flash and from then on the extension will handle all Flash pop-ups. It’s that easy!

Advantages of using the SuperCity Access extension:

– it ensures a smooth gaming experience with less Flash Player hassle;
– grants you a browser shortcut for accessing the game in literally one-click: it’s located to your right side of your URL Bar and it’s shaped like a small house, easy to spot!
– it’s an official app and we guarantee that the extension is free to use, virus free and malware free. The extension will use your permission only to support Flash and nothing else, it does not collect personal or financial information, nor execute any other software on your device.

Use of this extension is subject to Playkot’s
Terms of Service ( and
Privacy Policy (

SuperCity Access
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