Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions


A Chrome extension for Vim users, but EMACS users would also love it, as it is much extendable with javascript.

# to click links

f Open a link, press SHIFT to flip hints if they are overlapped.
C Open a link in non-active new tab
cf Open multiple links in a new tab
gf Open a link in non-active new tab
af Open a link in new tab

# to switch tabs

E Go one tab left
R Go one tab right
x Close current tab
X Restore closed tab
W New window with current tab
J Move current tab to left
K Move current tab to right
yt Duplicate current tab
<> Move current tab to right
g0 Go to the first tab
g$ Go to the last tab
gx0 Close all tabs on left
gxt Close tab on left
gxT Close tab on right
gx$ Close all tabs on right

# to scroll pages / DIVs

0 Scroll all the way to the left
e Scroll a page up
d Scroll a page down
gg Scroll to the top of the page
G Scroll to the bottom of the page
j Scroll down
k Scroll up
h Scroll left
l Scroll right
$ Scroll all the way to the right
% Scroll to percentage of current page
cS Reset scroll target
cs Change scroll target

# to capture full pages / DIV

yG Capture current full page
yS Capture scrolling element

# to search seleted with kinds of search engines

sg Search selected with google
sw Search selected with bing
sy Search selected with youtube
sb Search selected with baidu

# to edit input with vim editor

Ctrl-i Go to edit box with vim editor

# to edit URL with vim editor

su Edit current URL with vim editor