Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

SVG Screenshot

SVG screenshots offer various benefits over normal PNG screenshots, while keeping the good parts:

Flexible: Freely select the region of the website you want to capture or capture the whole page.
Scalable graphics: Screenshots never get pixelated when zooming in.
Semantic: Text can still be selected and copied to clipboard.
Accessible: SVG is annotated with ARIA attributes and can be read by screen readers.
Paste into design tools: SVGs will work in design tools like Illustrator, Figma, Sketch etc.
Interactive: Links are still clickable.
Self-contained: Inlines external resources like images, fonts, etc.
Static: Styles and layout are recorded at the time of snapshot and will not change.
Small: Depending on the content, SVGs can be magnitudes smaller than PNGs and compress loslessly.
Secure: The SVG will not contain any JavaScript.