Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Transpose ▲▼ pitch ▹ speed ▹ loop for videos

✓ Real time audio processing
✓ High quality audio pitch & transpose
✓ Control the playback speed
✓ Loop between two time markers
✓ Jump directly to a time marker
✓ Supports all online audio, including Spotify web player (pitch shift only)
✓ Remember settings for each video
✓ History list
✓ Keyboard shortcuts
✓ Progress & navigation bar
✓ Pitch shift mp3 and mp4 local files
✓ Dark theme
✓ Unlimited Loops
✓ Unlimited usage
Does not collect your browser history

Do you ever play along with a YouTube video to practice a song or learn from a music tutorial lesson? When you need to master a song in a different key you can use this tool to pitch shift the audio, repeat a section in a loop or slow down the video to get a hang of it quicker.

It’s also fun to just mess around with the audio 🙂

Go to a video site like Youtube or Vimeo, select a music video, and open the extension to get started. Do you want to pitch shift an mp3 file? This could be a faster way!
Integrates with, an interactive chord library for guitar, piano and ukulele.

• open the video on the platform itself when it’s embedded on another site.
• refresh the page if it doesn’t work the first time
• will work on Youtube and Vimeo, but some other sites may block usage


Browser Permissions
The following browser permissions are needed by this extension: tabCapture, activeTab, tabs, storage. For a detailed description of usage see:


• Tonhöhe und Geschwindigkeit ändern
• Cambiar el tono y la velocidad
• Changez le pitch et la vitesse