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Stay ahead of the #fakenews surge with TrustServista!

TrustServista is a unique AI-powered tool for verifying the trustworthiness of online news articles. Using advanced Text Analytics, Semantic Comparison and Graph Analytics algorithms, TrustServista can automatically determine the trustworthy of any news webpage, in seconds.

TrustServista is free for use within a 300 verified URLs/month limit, for English-only language content.

Read more about TrustServista:

★ Content Quality Score
Each article is automatically analyzed and scored based on its content quality. The metrics included in this score are: Context Setting (amount of factual information contained in the article), Sentiment Polarity (negative, neutral, positive), Source Veracity (known publisher, named author) and the Probability of the article being “Clickbait”.

★ Article Graph and Patient Zero
All the hyperlinks, references and previously published similar articles are extracted from the analyzed web page, providing the user with a visually-rich Article Graph that trace all the source of information used by the author. Patient Zero, the primary source of information, is also determined, as a measure of information source trustworthiness.

★ Metadata Extraction
Relevant metadata is extracted automatically from each processed article: title, author, publish data, publisher.

★ Automatic Summarization
The article’s content is extracted and summarized automatically using Natural Language Processing algorithms, making it easier to grasp the story in just seconds.

★ Named Entity Extraction
Named entities are extracted automatically from the article: person names, titles, locations, date and time references, currencies, organization names, religions and more.

★ TrustServista Premium
If you want to go beyond the processing limitation of the TrustServista free version, you can purchase a premium package on our website:
➤ 3,000 URLs verifications/month
➤ Access to more pre-processed websites
➤ Access to non-English content (with Automated Translation)
➤ Monthly or Yearly payment frequency

By installing the extension, you agree to TrustServista’s Terms of Service ( and Privacy Policy (

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