Browser addons — Google Chrome extensions

Where’s My Book?

Filter Google Play Books by title or author.

For far too long, we have been burdened by not being able to search our uploaded Google Play Books results.

Installing the extension, you are now presented with a search box, that upon typing, filters your currently loaded Google Books results by title or author. Not great, but it’s a vast improvement, IMO.

** New in version 1.3.1**
Another fix. Today I noticed the extension not showing up at all. Figured out it was buried under the other UI. Increased the z-index so it sits on top again.

** New in version 1.3.0**
Fixed broken functionality of extension. Google updated the way they generate CSS class names on the page, which completely broke the functionality of the extension and will make it more difficult to main going forward.

** New in version 1.2.0 **

– Tooltip to inform you how many books match your current filter and how many books you currently have loaded. In the course of developing this extension, I have discovered there is a limit to 1000 books you are allow to upload to Google Books. Therefore, this extension, once all your books are loaded, shows you how many you have toward your quota of 1000.