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Your Auto Advocate

Want expert car buying advice and buying insights anywhere on the Web?

Your Auto Advocate gives you expert car buying insights and guidance directly in your browser as you visit dealership and vehicle research websites within the United States. It’s like having Ray Shefska, a former dealership general manager with more than 40 years of experience by your side – and you don’t even need to buy Ray lunch!

We automatically evaluate automotive listings for you. Instantly see key insights such as how long the vehicle has been on the market, whether it’s a good time to make an offer or not, our patent-pending Suggested Offer price, exclusive Negotiability Score, and Ray’s Recommendation — the essence of Ray’s advice, presented in an actionable, plain-spoken format. We also find comparable vehicles in your area to give you deep market references and confidence in a great deal!

And the best part is … It’s FREE!

Shop with confidence. Shop with Your Auto Advocate by your side.