


This extension can be used to easily change background color and text of any element on a web page. You can do this by doing the following:
-Click on the extension icon in the top right corner of the browser
-Select the element you wish to change
-Select a background and text color
-Click OK and enjoy 🙂

Changes you make will be saved on your device for each website.
To remove the change to a particular element, choose the default color for the change you want removed and it will revert the background/text for that element.
If you wish to remove the changes for a particular site you can just right click on it and choose the option with Colorfy logo that says “Remove all changes”.
If you wish to remove all changes from all of the websites you can right click on the extension icon in the top right corner of the browser, select options. and on a page that just appeared click on a button that says “CLEAR CHANGES FROM ALL WEBSITES”.
I have added advanced options so that people with basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can change elements manually. You can change element by getting it’s class or id trough inspect element and then adding that element in advanced changes menu, there you can also delete any element you don’t want changed.

In future we plan to add a few different options such as using a texture for the background or an image and adding more gradient colors.
I hope you enjoy using this tool and that it helps you have more fun browsing the internet.

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