Developer Tools

CRXcavator Gatherer


CRXcavator Gatherer is a helper Chrome Extension that adds new functionality to CRXcavator. It can be deployed to an organization to gather Chrome Extension usage statistics.

Having extension usage data for your organization allows administrators to take Chrome Extension risk management to the next level. With this data, it will be possible to determine what extensions users in your domain use most, and which ones only a few users have installed. This way, analysts can prioritize their efforts on the most used extensions in their organization. Knowing which extensions only a few users are using is important too. Extensions with only a few users may not have a valid business case and can be considered for removal from the whitelist.

Why a Chrome Extension? Tools like chef, jamf, osquery, and more have the ability to collect to collect this data but do not have the ability to run on all platforms, such as Chromebooks. Chrome Extensions are universal and require minimal access to collect the data required. If you already have Chrome Extension usage data on your fleet and would like to add it to CRXcavator without using the CRXcavator Gatherer Chrome Extension, you can use the exposed API.

CRXcavator Gatherer
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