Social & Communication

Filters & Stickers for Google Meet


Use video filters during Google Meet or Hangouts calls. This free chrome extension allows you to apply fun filters to your video. Choose from a dozen different filters that either enhance your look or are just fun to try.

* Adds a subtle toolbar to the top left of your screen that is visible only during video calls.

* Choose from one of a dozen video filters to change your appearance on camera.

* If you have any issues or have ideas for improvements, click the “Feedback” button in the toolbar.

1. Install the chrome extension by clicking the “Add to Chrome” button.
2. Go to or and start or join a video call.
3. You should now see a reaction toolbar in the top left of your screen (you need to be in an active call, and with your video turned on to see the toolbar).
4. Click the FILTERS button to apply a filter to your webcam video.

* This chrome extension respects the video off feature of Google Meet, so you won’t be able to use it if you don’t have your video turned on.
* Use the FEEDBACK button in the app in case you run into any issues.

Filters & Stickers for Google Meet
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