
Norton Privacy Builder


Sites, stores, and companies have long been collecting and selling your personal information. However, a new California privacy law (1) now requires companies to honor opt-out requests for its residents, by mandating that they not sell a user’s private information.

Norton Privacy Builder Beta (2) is a purpose-built browser extension designed to help you save time when submitting “do not sell” opt-out requests, which helps you better manage and protect your personal information. Simply download the Norton Privacy Builder browser extension, navigate to a website (3), and click on the keyhole icon at the top right corner of your browser. Norton Privacy Builder will then search the company’s website for you to find the process for opting-out. If available, then choose one of the opt-out options offered by the company, and Norton Privacy Builder will guide you through the opt-out request process.

Key Benefits:
– Helps you protect your personal information by keeping it from being sold
– Choose from available opt-out options offered on company websites, and opt-out via email, phone call or website
– An email template form saves time by helping you avoid having to re-enter email opt-out request information for each website
– Crowdsourcing helps make Norton Privacy Builder even better by allowing you to submit requests for us to add new websites to our catalogue of sites and companies that will opt you out
– Norton Privacy Builder is made by NortonLifeLock, one of the world’s most trusted Cyber Safety brands

Norton Privacy Builder puts you back in charge of your online privacy. Help build up your online privacy defense with Norton Privacy Builder.

(1) California Consumer Protection Act (otherwise known as CCPA)
(2) The Norton Privacy Builder browser extension is available to all California consumers with a NortonLifeLock Account during the Beta period. After the Beta period ends, Norton Privacy Builder will continue to be available for all NortonLifeLock customers who have a paid subscription.
(3) Norton Privacy Builder is currently compatible with the top 700+ websites and continues to evaluate new additions when possible.

Norton Privacy Builder
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