GO-Global lets you access Windows Applications and Files from Anywhere, on any platform.
The GO-Global extension for Chrome allows users to connect to GO-Global hosts directly through their browser. You must install the GO-Global Host software to use this extension. Please visit http://www.graphon.com to download a free trial.
Lamentável. Criam uma extensoa para o navegador mais que não funciona. Uma lic ja não é barato e ainda vem faltando recursos prometidos.
Program used requires use. Dled the graphon app and cannot launch the program that required it.
Não consigo ativar
Doesn’t work. I install on my computer (windows client). When I access website of goglobal, a windows pops up, and asks me to install a windows client (version 4.8.2 or later)
Lässt sich nicht mehr deinstallieren!
You can remove it, but it will reinstall whenever you restart chrome. It is simply not possible to remove it.
I checked every tip.
Ta atualizado mesmo assim não é identificado.
como lo descargo
Excellent. Only I lost access to my lenvica HRM for reasons I know not.