Make your day a little better by seeing everything in Gungan – from the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day page. Visit for more Gungan fun!
So Much FUN!!! Jar Jar bein’ mesa favorite character in all of Star Wars un Mesa luv da way hesa speaks! Best Extension Ebber!!!
Boss Nass
Dis Chrome Estension isa moole holy salvation. My havin tosa deal with all-n da Hisan disgusting language for ages, but nos longa. Itsa timen for da Gungans tos taken over!
So Much FUN!!! Jar Jar bein’ mesa favorite character in all of Star Wars un Mesa luv da way hesa speaks! Best Extension Ebber!!!
Dis Chrome Estension isa moole holy salvation. My havin tosa deal with all-n da Hisan disgusting language for ages, but nos longa. Itsa timen for da Gungans tos taken over!