


Please note that submitting feedback on the Chrome Web Store doesn’t notify the developer, so it may be a while before your message is found here. If you want to report a problem, please use the GitHub issue tracker:

Homely is a fast and light New Tab page replacement, with a focus on providing quick access to links, bookmarks and history from a centralised location.

The main links page can be built up using a number of blocks, containing simple button shortcuts, or dropdown menus with rich collections of links. Editing the page can be done visually with the built-in editor, or coded manually in JSON.

A lightweight bookmarks browser is included, providing fast navigation through all folders in the bookmarks tree. A history dropdown in the top corner shows recently accessed pages for quick retrieval.

The settings panel provides a number of options for tweaking the page, including custom backgrounds and fonts, enabling/disabling features, and adding custom CSS code.

v1.7.2 (29/04/2019):
* fixes for file:// and chrome:// URLs
* added Twitter as a notification provider
* fixed long text wrapping on link buttons
* codebase compatibility with Firefox WebExtensions

v1.7.1 (16/07/2016):
* updated retrieval of Facebook notifications
* slightly better icon choices
* improved colour picker for buttons

v1.7 (30/12/2015):
* new shopping cart counter
* initial support for Amazon, eBay, Steam
* minor UI improvements

v1.6 (17/10/2015):
* invitations notification for LinkedIn
* added dark panel style
* custom link button CSS option
* disable weather whilst incognito

v1.5.4 (17/08/2015):
* fix Steam notifications for website changes

v1.5.3 (02/08/2015):
* added LinkedIn to notifications
* split Steam notifications by type
* fix for timer label display

v1.5.2 (09/10/2014):
* easier settings import/export
* use official Reddit SSL domain
* weather unit option

v1.5.1 (22/05/2014):
* fixed links merging with defaults
* slightly improved help text
* notepad save status indicator

v1.5 (21/05/2014):
* all permissions now optional
* added Reddit to notifications
* additional keyboard shortcuts
* minor visual/UI tweaks

v1.4.1 (25/04/2014):
* Chrome apps menu
* hide top bar labels
* fixed bugs with notepad and timer

v1.4 (24/04/2014):
* weather widget
* notepad widget
* bookmarks search
* links editing improvements

v1.3 (02/04/2014):
* clock, timer and stopwatch options
* rewritten notifications system
* added TickTick to notifications
* middle-click bookmarks folders to open all

v1.2.1 (31/03/2014):
* fixed bugs when cancelling after revoking permissions

v1.2 (31/03/2014):
* switch to Chrome extension storage
* omnibox link search
* notification widget (Facebook, GitHub, Gmail, Outlook)
* IP address / proxy status widget
* more layout and style options

v1.1 (28/03/2014):
* drag-and-drop block reordering
* bookmark grouping
* keyboard shortcuts
* icons everywhere

v1.0 (26/03/2014):
* customizable links page
* visual and JSON links editors
* lightweight bookmarks browser
* quick history access
* custom backgrounds, fonts
* custom CSS editor

Full changelog:

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