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Instant GPS Coordinates


Ever had trouble finding a location in your GPS device because you mistyped the address or simply because the address is not found on the device?

Want the exact location, the precise point on a road or the highway? What if the place you want to find is not on a road, like your favorite holiday camping spot or perhaps even somewhere in the ocean? How would you feed the address to your GPS device?

Instant GPS Coordinates Extension for Chrome is the solution. Simply get the Geo Coordinates of any location from Google Maps, either by searching or physically placing the cursor anywhere on the map. Share it via your favorite social media. Copy the GPS Coordinates and use it on your GPS Device.

-Copy to Clipboard
-Share, via Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus

Try it out now! And stay tuned for the upcoming features.

Upcoming Features:
-Copy to clipboard function with editable postal address
-Take a snapshot of map along with the address and coordinates
-Bluetooth compatibility to directly transfer coordinates to supported GPS devices

Please provide us with your feedback and constructive criticism. You can reach us at [email protected].

Instant GPS Coordinates
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